Scandinavia Trip: Day 11 – Trips from Copenhagen

It was cloudy and windy this morning due to the lingering storm, so I decided to wait out the bad weather on public transport. My strategy was a partial success: my journey to Helsingør did pass some time, but it was not until around ten o’clock when the weather really started to clear up. By then, I had already walked through the town centre and the harbour. With my arms fighting against the coastal wind, I took a few pictures of the remarkable Hercules and Hydra statue before walking towards the town’s castle.

Kronborg Castle dates to a stronghold built in the 1420s. It was originally built to guard the way in and out of the Baltic Sea, and to extract fees from passing merchants. In the seventeenth century, it burned down and was pillaged by the Swedes, but this did not stop the castle from being converted to barracks later on. The most famous historical tidbit about Kronborg, however, is that its walls set the scene for Shakespeare’s Hamlet: It might grate the ears a little, but the name “Elsinore” does bear some resemblance to Helsingør.

As I was making good time, I decided that on my way back to Copenhagen, I would stop by the Hermitage Hunting Lodge just north of Klampenborg. I did not originally intend to visit this place, but I saw it through the window as I was travelling to Helsingør and decided I would go there on my way back. The lodge seemed familiar to me; I soon realised that I had seen it on my UNESCO smartphone application as the cover picture for North Zealand’s “par force hunting landscape.” While the lodge itself was not open, the walk through the grounds was quite pleasant. I happened on several groups of deer but fortunately managed to navigate through the minefield of deer excrement.

From Klampenborg, I took the train again, passing through central Copenhagen on my way to Roskilde. There, I visited the famous Roskilde Cathedral, which has served as the burial site of the Danish royal family for hundreds of years. Allegedly, Harald Bluetooth is buried at the Cathedral, but evidence has recently been unearthed of his possible interment in Poland. Harald Bluetooth did, however, found the original wooden church in Roskilde, and he is memorialised for uniting Denmark as well as converting it to Christianity. Of particular interest at the cathedral are the numerous frescoes of various ages depicting floral motifs as well as mythical creatures.

These past few years, I have been on a quest to try out a new flavour of ice cream every time I want to buy one. Roskilde was a very good place to tick flavours off the checklist: I got one scoop of hawthorn and one scoop of apricot. Soon after finishing them on the platform, I boarded the train back for Copenhagen, where I connected by bus to the neighbourhood of Emdrup – a neighbourhood known above all for Gruntvig’s Church, an impressive expressionist building whose soaring façade looks like basalt columns or clusters of organ pipes.

I concluded the day with a walk through the green and quiet northern part of Copenhagen. I strolled around the Castle Fort and walked down to the coast to see the Maritime Monument and the Little Mermaid. For dinner – my first proper meal in Copenhagen, rather than a sandwich, wrap, or baked good from the supermarket – I went to a lovely Cambodian restaurant that served vegetarian amok and tamarindade (a portmanteau of the words tamarind and lemonade).    

An entrance to a church
An arcade
The Round Tower
Hercules wrestling a lion
Rosenborg Castle
Kronborg Castle
The Han Statue
Saint Olaf's Church
The entrance to Kronborg Castle
Hercules and the Hydra
A bunker at the castle
A stucco decoration
A spiral staircase
The main tower of Kronborg Castle
The entrance to the church at Kronborg Castle
Another roof detail
Some furniture at Kronborg Castle
More tapestries
The view from the castle
Another view of Kronborg Castle
The roof of Kronborg Castle
Another view of Kronborg Castle
Saint Olaf's Church
The same
The Hermitage Hunting Lodge
A building at Klampenborg
A deer head statue
A sphinx
The house in Klampenborg again
White deer
Hermitage Hunting Lodge
A building in Roskilde
Roskilde Cathedral
The same
Another view of Roskilde Cathedral
Paintings on brick walls
A painted ceiling
More paintings
A skull decoration on a tomb
The inside of Roskilde Cathedral
The pulpit entrance
Another tomb
More tombs
An oak-leaf pattern
The same
Another view of Roskilde's interior
More pictures of Roskilde
More of the same
And more
Views of Gruntvig's Church
Another view of Gruntvig's Church
The interior of Gruntvig's Church
The altar
A pulpit
A building in Nyboder district
A swan and cygnets
Saint Alban's Church
Inside the Kastellet
A closer view
Another building at the Kastellet
A windmill
A view along the moat of the Kastellet
The same
The Maritime Monument
The Little Mermaid
The Gefion Fountain
Saint Mark Church



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