The Material World Strikes back

Not too many noteworthy things happened this week. I couldn’t find a book I was looking for at the NTU library, but by sheer luck happened to come across another book that I had not been able to find many months ago. It was in the BV section instead of the BX section where it belonged, which made me realise how fundamentally fragile library systems are. It only takes one mistake for a book to become completely lost until someone serendipitously comes across it. The library could, I suppose, search the most likely places a book might be misplaced upon its being reported as missing, but I have reported many missing books in the past and not a single one of them has been found, which makes me think that such requests are simply ignored. That said, I am happy that I brought some order to the universe by returning the book I found to its proper place.

I also had fun this weekend. I had just finished doing my laundry when I discovered that the trousers I had been drying on the balcony were no longer there. Surveying the land from a height of fifteen floors, my eyes finally came across a black bundle lying on the pavement close to where the yellow cab taxi drivers usually congregate. I rushed down, but before I could make it to the bundle, I saw that another pair of trousers (in my panicked state I did not realise that I had lost more than one pair) had fallen on top of the three-metre-tall gate to the apartment complex. The process of getting them down reminded me of how I used to scale the fence to our house whenever I forgot the keys. 


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