
The weather was beautiful this weekend, so my sister and I, as well as a billion other tourists, made an excursion to Tetín. Tetín is primarily known for its association with the mythical figure Teta, as well as Saint Ludmila and the chronicler Václav Hájek z Libočan. We did not visit any of the historical sites in Tetín besides the ruins of an ancient castle (the main churches are, at any rate, under reconstruction right now), and continued down a tortuous forest path towards the Tetín waterfall. The waterfall turned out to be more of a trickle, but that did not make the climb any less formidable. I clambered down the rock while holding my dog in one hand and holding onto a chain with the other, occasionally putting the dog down and descending a few paces before picking her up again. We walked as far as Srbsko, where we crossed the bridge and returned home.  

Apple blossoms
The highway above Berounka River
Another view of the river
The view of Český kras from a lookout in Tetín
Tetín Chateau
The view of Berounka from the castle ruins in Tetín
More of the same, with Beroun in the background and a Tetín church on the left
More of the same
The ruins of the castle in Tetín
My dog above the waterfall
A stream
A field by the riverside
Tetín from afar
A rock above the Berounka
More views of the Berounka
Berounka River near Srbsko
The Berounka as seen from the bridge in Srbsko
A baroque gate in Srbsko
Another view of Berounka
More of the same
A rock face between Srbsko and Beroun
Grape hyacinths
Bleeding hearts
Cherry blossoms
A forest path
Spring peas
A cowslip
More cowslips
More spring peas
More cherry blossoms
A snail shell
Young leaves
A blossoming tree
More flowers
Another blossoming tree
An apple blossom
Another apple blossom


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