In other news, there is no news

The second week of taking classes online has almost passed and, despite the all-around rumblings and mumblings, I can honestly say that I have enjoyed quite a few aspects of my online education. First of all, it cuts down on a lot of boring walking time. Yes, exercise is important, but it is also much nicer to go to the park than to walk to school past nondescript buildings along a wide, noisy road. Secondly, I get to play my guitar between classes, which is better for my mental state than scrolling through increasingly distressful news while standing in the hallway. Thirdly, I get to search up words I don’t know on my phone without the teacher knowing. Shh, that’s a secret.

In other news, there is no news. I suppose one update is that I have had plenty of time to listen to music on YouTube, which makes me thankful to be staying at home in the 21st century, and not any century before that. As of late, I have made it my goal to educate myself on Balkan classical music, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. Some of my recent favourites include Bersa’s Mjesečina, Gotovac’s Ero s onoga svijeta, Tijardović’s Mala Floramye, Stanković’s Što se bore misli moje, Mokranjac’s Rukoveti, Hristić’s Simfonijska fantazija and Rapsodija, and Slavenski’s Simfonija Orijenta and Ftiček veli.


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