Spring Sights
Beginning March 1st, drastic travel restrictions have been in place to curb the spread of covid. One cannot leave one’s town except to buy groceries, and one cannot leave one’s district except for work. The government has essentially done everything short of declaring a nation-wide lockdown, partly because the Prime Minister promised last year that there would be no more lockdowns, and partly because the government is dumber than a group of thirteen doorknobs. While it has ordered people to stay at home, it has refused to close factories and has not made workplace testing mandatory. Even worse, there appears to be no plan to make contact tracing more effective for when cases eventually do decline, which means that we will be back at square one as soon as restrictions are lifted again.
Putting aside our contempt for the government, my sister and
I decided to be good, law-abiding citizens this weekend by only travelling
within the limits of our town. Thankfully, Beroun is very big and encompasses a
decent chunk of the protected area Český
kras until the point where the river Loděnice flows into the river
Berounka. We saw many interesting things, especially majestic trees and rocks,
and some idyllic hills, but it appears that we will have to wait a little
longer until forest flowers are properly in bloom.
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