
It was very cold and snowy this past week, but the sun came out on Friday and the promise of getting to take pictures of snowy landscapes under blue skies became irresistible. I climbed up to the lookout above Svatý Jan only to find it still in the shade of the surrounding hills as late as 10 AM. I decided to continue all the way to Karlštejn via Hostím and Srbsko.

I’m very glad I had the chance to see the area at this magical time of the year. The trees above the snowy shores of the river Kačák (officially known as Loděnice) were covered in deep green vines, lending the riverside a strange spring-like atmosphere. And when I reached the river Berounka, it was covered in fast-moving islands of slushy ice. 

My dog under chestnut trees
A forest path near the Herinky Oak
Another path leading from the Herinky Oak
The path down the red colour trail
Svatý Jan Monastery
The same from slightly further away
My dog standing at the top of the lookout
The Cemetery in Svatý Jan pod Skalou
The same again
The Monastery in Svatý Jan pod Skalou
My dog in front of the same
A quaint window in the roof of a house in Hostím
The trees above Kačák river
Icicles above Kačák
A quaint house in Kozel
Berounka again
A gate in Srbsko, an example of Village Baroque architecture
Petzold's Lighting Tower above a former quarry in Srbsko
The road to Karlštějn
More of the same
The Church of Saint Palmatius in Karlštejn


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