Autumn Break Begins

With the anniversary of NTU’s founding this Friday, ICLP has officially entered its autumn break. Of course, as is customary for any institution of higher learning, our program has made sure that we spend a good portion of that time stressing about schoolwork, repeatedly pointing out the proximity of our final exams and handing out practice materials. Thank goodness I am sufficiently disillusioned with ICLP’s archaic teaching practices that I could not care less.

I spent the Friday in bliss at the library, and I intended to spend my Saturday the same way. Just as I was getting ready to head out, though, I realised that the weather was so beautiful that it would be a shame not to go out and see something. I decided it was time to visit Taipei’s beloved Elephant Mountain, with its scenic views of the Taipei 101 and the surrounding city. Once again, I overestimated the difficulty of reaching my destination, which turned out to be only four or five metro stops away from where I live.

The hike took maybe just an hour, probably less, and I was back again a little past eleven, ready to spend the rest of the day reading and listening to music.   

 Taipei 101
 Taipei 101 but in its surroundings
 Taipei 101 with even more of its surroundings
 The view of Taipei 101 from the highest point of Elephant Mountain (I think)
 A more peaceful part of the trail
Taipei 101 as seen through the greenery of Elephant Mountain


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