
Showing posts from February, 2022


My housemate Luqman and I made a trip on the Saturday of February 26 th . Having exchanged a few jokes about walking all the way to Birmingham, we eventually settled on a more modest, 33.69-kilometre roundtrip to and from Abingdon. The first hour or so was idyllic. We passed by blossoming cherry trees and the seemingly infinite stretch of university boathouses as we walked along the Thames in pursuit of the sun. As we left civilisation, however, we found ourselves evading and wading in mud on every corner. By the time we reached Abingdon, not only our shoes but the bottoms of our trousers were a thick brown.


I made a trip with two of my housemates to London on the Saturday of February 12 th . Well, to be precise, I made a trip to the British Library to investigate some documents, and then met up with my friends on Edgware Road. As an aside: the British Library system is terrifyingly efficient. All the books I requested arrived on time and to the right room with only two days of prior notice. When I came to register for a Reader Pass last term, I was done in less than ten minutes. The only complaint I have is that for volumes of, for example, periodicals, the website often does not say how many volumes are in a single book. Thus, as I learned the hard way, one cannot simply write “Please give me all the volumes published between years x and y” but must book every single volume separately. This, of course, means that multiple requests will be cancelled, as there is often no way to tell how many volumes there are per book.